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GeneaNet beat other tradional software.. and now i'm out hundred of dollars...

If you are having difficulty using your genealogy software then post your question here.
Viestit: 41
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Graafinen
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
I just committed to Geneanet all the way with my two family trees that each have thousands of persons.  This is major!  This is true trust!  :) I have known about GeneaNet for ever but while I've dabbled with it briefly for a bit, to see hoe it looked, etc...  I always went back to standalone genealogy programs because in my head that was what was going to do the job. Except, I kept changing programs because each one of tthem was lacking something or other.  As for online, recently I was on My Heritage, an awesome genealogy system overall, but great on frills (picture and video capabilities), but less on archival documents.  The other drawback is no Mac capabilities.  Ancestry just does not appeal to me.  It's too USA centered.  I recently got a Mac Air (and I'm soooo loving it), and found out the hard way that there are huge limitations in software for the Mac, escpecially in the genealogy field.  While My Heritage is available for input/update online, the limitations of the online capabilities forced me abandon it.  I tried the usual suspects for Mac.  But I wanted something simple and truly versatile with no frllls and heavy on archives.  Then I rediscovered GeneaNet.  YAY!!!  I've migrated my GEDCOMs here but still fumbling a bit.  Working on editing hundreds of my places right now, but happy I'm truly at home on GeneaNet. :)
Viestit: 8165
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
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Many thanks for the appreciation.
Best wishes,

Jean-Yves BAXTER

Please read our help pages and tips to improve your genealogy research and to grow your family tree:

Viestit: 2
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Graafinen
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
I am happy one of my positive traits is determination.. I've been doing genealogy since 2008. I first found Geneanet trying to determine if I might find a connection to Charlemagne. I've read where we are all related one way or another. My first take was a "free" subscription. I came across a posting by camarade 28. I put in the name of my family member, who might best provide access to Charlemagne. Bingo, there it was.

I highly recommend Geneanet. I think one of the challenges may be French v English. Unfortunately, the last French Class I had was 1963 my Senior Year in High School. If there is a side benefit to finding Geneanet is a desire to study French again.

Thanks so much.
Viestit: 8165
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Teksti
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
Thank you for the appreciation @mdh0103268
Best wishes,

Jean-Yves BAXTER

Please read our help pages and tips to improve your genealogy research and to grow your family tree:

Viestit: 2
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Graafinen
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
Hi Jean,

Wanted to let you know I downloaded an application that translates from English to say French, Spanish, German etc or vise a versa. I thought it might help me out. Thank you for the response. I am gong to start my adventure to get to Charlemagne soon.

Enjoy the weekend.

Mort Hurt
Rekisteröimätön käyttäjä (miasm1)
Can you please guide me, How can I download this?
Viimeksi muokannut miasm1, 30 Tammikuu 2024, 13:10. Yhteensä muokattu 2 kertaa.
Volunteer moderator
Viestit: 5118
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Teksti
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
miasm1 kirjoitti: 18 Tammikuu 2024, 12:34 Hello,
Can you please guide me, How can I download this?
If you're referring to the translation tool, I recommend DeepL.

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