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How do I find a match that contacted me?

Discussions regarding DNA & Genetic Genealogy.
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How do I find a match that contacted me?

Viesti Kirjoittaja katspyjamas »

I get this a lot. out of the blue an email from a dna match that does not tell me HOW we match. like, how many cm’s or even %

I can go to the email page and get to their tree, but HOW do i find the dna match to get more information?
Viestit: 8162
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Teksti
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
You can directly view your common ancestors if this member has linked their DNA file to their family tree. In the other case, you must contact this member.
Best wishes,

Jean-Yves BAXTER

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