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The poor quality of the Finnish translations in the DNA section

Tämä foorumi on GeneaNetin tietokantaa koskeville kysymyksille: erilaiset haut, henkilökohtaiset tiedot jne. Kysymyksiä on hyvä täydentää konkreettisilla esimerkeillä: nimet, vaihtoehdot...).

Valvoja: hagglunde

Viestit: 1

I'm a genealogy and genetic genealogy enthusiast from Finland and also have a PhD degree in molecular genetics. I've just checked out your DNA section in Finnish and was was quite disappointed to encounter such poor quality of translations. It seems evident that the Finnish text is machine translated and no professional translators specialized in genetics and scientific text have been used or even consulted to edit the text. The vocabulary is off and the whole use of the Finnish language is off making reading quite unpleasant and even difficult for someone not that well educated within the area of genetics.

I do appreciate the attempts to offer your site in many languages. However, do assume that you would also be willing to set high standards for your multilingual site and services providing an easy access and quality experience even for your Finnish users/customers. This certainly isn't the case at the moment. Do you have any plans to improve the Finnish site in near future?
Viestit: 8151
Sisääntulotila: Graafinen
Selailu: Teksti
Tarkastele heidän sukupuutaan.
Dear Madam,

Our assistant is a native Finnish speaker but she may not know some specific words about genetics.

We propose that you send us the corrections to be made on the pages.
Best wishes,

Jean-Yves BAXTER

Please read our help pages and tips to improve your genealogy research and to grow your family tree:

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